
Mezzo Soprano, Vocal & Piano teacher
Vocal Pedagogue

CD Gospel & Christmas

So happy to be able to propose you:

CD with Gospel songs :  « Jubilee »
CD with Christmas songs : « Christmas Spirituals »

To order a CD it is simple, please send me arequest by mail,
then I will indicate how to pay and after receiving your payment (bank transfer) and I  will send you the CD of your choice.

Concerts & marriages

Find me on

+ 72 Videoclips

Stand by me
Gospel Concert

Les CD's sont disponibles aux concerts mais il est possible
de les commander via ce site: envoyez simplement un mail
avec votre demande pour connaître les conditions. Merci, à bientôt!!

Did you know?

The song & Jazz standard « Summertime » is
a Gospel from the opéra
Porgy & Bess, written by George Gershwin in 1935

SIREN  519 022 057, Code APE 8559B

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